
(背)     My brother Tom had written a speech which he read: 'We have come to bury Ginger, a special cat who died too young. He lived with us for only four years. He was a treasured member of our family and a good friend. He played with us and slept on our beds. He was always silly and made us laugh. He waited for us when we came home from school, and loved to watch us as we did our homework. It's hard to believe he will not be here tomorrow. We loved him so much and we will miss him. Goodbye Ginger.'

(讀)     My sister Emily picked up her flute and played a slow, sad tune. Even my parents had tears in their eyes as they listened to the beautiful music. My father slowly placed earth into the grave. My mother put her arms around me, but she understood that there was nothing that could take away my pain at that moment.



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