1. 目標是你的動力來源
2. 如果你沒目標,你不會清楚你需要做甚麼,這樣你想成功是沒可能的。
Why goal is so important?
1. It is your power resources.
2. If you haven't set up a goal, then you will not clear what you need to do so you are not likely to be successful.
S - Specific (具體):
State exactly what you want to achieve.
What tasks or actions need to be done?
M - Measurable (可衡量):
Determine how to measure whether you have completed your goal or not.
How can I claim success or achievement?
A - Achievable (能夠達成):
Feel great when you picture yourself in reaching it.
Can the tasks or actions be completed in near future?
R - Realistic (實際):
You can reach it with your ability and knowledge.
Can I handle tasks or actions with my ability?
T - Timed (需要時限):
You have a schedule in reaching your goal.
When is the deadline for completion of action plan?
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