
Impact of the Revolution

After the Revolution, the colonies won independence from British rule. However, there were still many problems to be solved after they became independent. On the other hand, the Revolution successfully realized the ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers.


Impact on the United States
                The newly established nation of the United States faced many problems after winning independence from British rule:
1.    War deaths: The war killed nearly seventy thousand soldiers. A labor shortage existed. (lack of labor force)
2.    Domestic disputes: Shortly after independence, disputes often arose between states over issues of power distribution and state borders.
3.    Emigration: Many former colonists, who were in support of Britain, emigrated to neighboring Canada. (lack of labor force)
4.    Economic problems: The United States had to repay war debts to foreign countries. She also lost the British market. These two factors weakened its economy.



1.      戰爭死亡人數:戰爭近70000名士兵喪生。出現勞動力短缺。(缺乏勞動力)
2.      國家的糾紛:獨立後不久,糾紛經常發生在權力分配和國家的邊界的問題上。
3.     移民:許多以前殖民地的居民,他們在英國的支持下,移居到鄰國加拿大。(缺乏勞動力)
4.     經濟問題:美國要償還戰爭債務到國外,而且美國也失去了英國市場。這兩個因素削弱了其經濟。

Impact on other countries
                The American Revolution encouraged the spread of Enlightenment ideas:
1.     * The Revolution showed the world a successful realization of revolution, encouraging the spread of revolutionary thoughts.
2.     * The colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States based on Enlightenment ideas. A Federal Government was set up according to the Constitution. It became the first nation to have a truly democratic government.
          The success of the American Revolution led to a wave of revolutions all over Europe and the Americas. France, who had sent troops to help the Thirteen Colonies, was the first European country to be hit by revolution. French soldiers had fought with the Continental Army, and had come into contact with revolutionary ideas such as liberty, equality and the right to revolt. The French soldiers brought home these revolutionary ideas. The ideas quickly spread throughout France, and became an underlying force for the French Revolution.



1. * 革命向世界展示了一個成功地實現了革命,鼓勵革命思想的傳播。
2. *
殖民地的居民寫了獨立宣言和美國憲法,而這些都是建基於啟蒙思想上。聯邦政府是根據      憲法而成立的。它是第一個國家擁有一個真正民主的政府。




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